Various physicists and philosophers have theorized different "types of reality"...
Phenomenological reality:
Phenomenological Reality is based on subjective experiences. Whatever you instantaneously observe is instantaneously real to you. This theory of reality means than unreality is non-existent. Therefore, easy to understand dreams, hallucinations, weird religious or spiritual experiences (like déjà vu), and interstellar travel are all forms of one subjective reality.
Consensus reality:
Consensus reality is based on the opinions and observations made by an ensemble of people. Some people may decide on an interpretation of an event, which then spreads across entire societies and becomes something that everyone believes in. A good example of socially constructed reality is religion.
Non-reality or nihilism:
Non-reality or optimistic nihilism simple means that there is no such thing as subjective reality. Everything we see, do, eat, think, smell, touch, interpret is tainted by subjectivity and does not consist any meaning or truth. Nothing is real. I recommend watching a video on YouTube called, “Optimistic Nihilism” by a German channel named, “Kurzegesagt, in a nutshell.” This video goes deep into the simulation argument and whether or not we are real.
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