Notable physicists answer….
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Albert Einstein: The chicken did not cross the road. The road passed beneath the chicken. It’s relative.
Erwin Schrodinger: A chicken? Why not a cat?
Isaac Newton: Due to a net force acting upon the chicken.
Carl Sagan: There are billions and billions of such chickens, crossing roads just like this one, all across the universe.
Albert Michelson and Edward Morley: We could not detect the road. Our experiment was a failure.
Werner Heisenberg: We can never know the momentum of the chicken if do know its position and vice versa. This question cannot be answered.
Richard Feynman: What is the trajectory of the chicken?
Charles Coulomb: A chicken on the other side of the road had the opposite charge of the chicken and the chicken was thus repelled to the chicken on the other side of the road.
Galileo Galilei: Because the chicken put one foot in front of the other and a sufficient number of steps to traverse a distance great or equal to the width of the road.
Louis de Broglie: The chicken’s legs were oscillating at a frequency high enough for the chicken to move forward.
Michael Faraday: The chicken should stick to the safety of its cage!
Max Planck: The chicken appears to be white. Sorry, I deal only with black bodies.
Archimedes: I was running through the streets yelling and screaming, and it was only afterward I realized I was carrying a chicken.
Marie Curie: A good question. And one that is less hazardous to one’s health.
James Clerk Maxwell: Assuming the chicken traveled at 1 m/s, the chicken crossed the road to travel at 3.33333333 𝗑 10-7% of the speed of light.
Edwin Hubble: Strange, it seems to me that the chicken is moving faster the farther away it gets.
Stephen Hawking: To avoid staying on one side…
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