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Showing posts from April, 2018

The stars

What I think when I look up at the stars... A string of my DNA is from here. My ancestors live here. The matter I am made up of comes from here. I was, am, and will be here. I am looking into the past. I am seeing myself before I am born. The base of my existence lies here, in the past. The stars I am seeing is how the stars looked lightyears ago. From just 8 light minutes to 13.8 billion light years. The light that we see in the daytime are photons that are 8 minutes old. When I look at the sun, I am seeing it how it was 8 minutes ago, and when I look at the stars, I see myself. Or, how it was from 4.24 light years to the birth of the universe. And if I look far enough, I can listen to the big bang. I can find the story of these stars if I look further back. The time machine humans think as seemingly impossible is right above me, in the night sky. 

Different types of reality

Various physicists and philosophers have theorized different "types of reality"... Phenomenological reality: Phenomenological Reality is based on subjective experiences.  Whatever you instantaneously observe is instantaneously real to you.  This theory of reality means than unreality is non-existent.  Therefore, easy to understand dreams, hallucinations, weird religious or spiritual experiences (like déjà vu), and interstellar travel are all forms of one subjective reality.   Consensus reality: Consensus reality is based on the opinions and observations made by an ensemble of people. Some people may decide on an interpretation of an event, which then spreads across entire societies and becomes something that everyone believes in. A good example of socially constructed reality is religion.  Non-reality or nihilism: Non-reality or optimistic nihilism simple means that there is no such thing as subjective reality.  Everything we see, do...

Brain perception - the two halves of our brain

The perceptions of the right and left halves of our brain... The brain has two halves – the left and right.  They act completely differently, have different  personalities, but are the same – kind of the yin and yang.  In order for both to function, they must communicate as one via something called the corpus callosum.  Interestingly, scans show that male brains excel at thinking within one half at a time while female brains excel at thinking within both halves at a time.  The right brain... The right brain is concentrated in the present setting and time.It photographically thinks and learns through the kinesthetic movement of your body. Kinesthetic movement is how your body learns while moving. The right brain absorbs the energy and structure of the world around you and translates that into information for your sensory systems. It doesn’t know the difference between your own consciousness and the world the surrounds you.  The left brain... ...

Is reality real? A perception overview...

A few questions you can ask yourself before deep-diving into the truths of reality... One of the most common questions that philosophers ask is, do we perceive reality differently? Is spacetime differently perceived by you and me?  Are we at the same time, seeing the same things? This connects to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which says that if you know the momentum of a given particle, you can never know its place in space or even time. We are all made of particles – is that the same for us? How many realities are anyway – his, mine, hers, yours, theirs? What if different perception where different dimensions? We can never know any of these questions without speeding up time and warping spacetime...

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Notable physicists answer….  Why did the chicken cross the road? Albert Einstein: The chicken did not cross the road. The road passed beneath the chicken. It’s relative. Erwin Schrodinger: A chicken? Why not a cat? Isaac Newton: Due to a net force acting upon the chicken. Carl Sagan: There are billions and billions of such chickens, crossing roads just like this one, all across the universe. Albert Michelson and Edward Morley: We could not detect the road. Our experiment was a failure. Werner Heisenberg: We can never know the momentum of the chicken if do know its position and vice versa. This question cannot be answered. Richard Feynman: What is the trajectory of the chicken? Charles Coulomb: A chicken on the other side of the road had the opposite charge of the chicken and the chicken was thus repelled to the chicken on the other side of the road. Galileo Galilei: Because the chicken put one foot in front of the other and a sufficient number of step...